Note: When you run the code it will also find compile errors.
Calling a sub or function and not providing the expected parameters. Calling a sub or function that doesn’t exist – normally because it’s renamed or deleted. A With statement without a corresponding “End With” statement. A Select statement without a corresponding “End Select” statement. An If statement without a corresponding “End If” statement. To compile select Debug->Compile VBAProject from the menu.Įxamples of compiler errors are as follows: The compiler finds errors that involve more than one line of code. ' Error message: "Expected: end of statement" ' Error message: "Expected: List separator or )" ' Error: The right parenthesis is missing ' Error message: "Expected: =" For i 2 To 7 ' Error: The equals sign is missing after i. ' Error message: "Expected: Then or GoTo" If a > b Some examples of syntax errors are: ' Error: The keyword then is missing. Most of these errors are caused by omitting expected syntax. Syntax errors are when you write code that doesn’t follow the rules of Visual Basic syntax. When you press Return it will check the line for errors and display an error message if it finds one. VBA checks each line of code as you write it for syntax errors. So it’s vital that you use them in your development. These are very important for catching errors before you run your code. VBA has built-in tools for finding errors. Then we will look at the Debug.Assert statement. Let’s have a look at your first line of defence when it comes to errors. Therefore finding bugs early and close to the cause is a priority. When a bug is found in delivered code many of the following steps are required If you average the time on each bug to 30 minutes then you are talking 8 to 25 hours spent on errors for every 1000 lines of code.ģ0 Minutes is an optimistic average. #LYNDA EXCEL VBA TUTORIAL TORRENT SOFTWARE#
“I am indeed amazed when I consider how weak my mind is and how prone to error.” – Rene DescartesĪccording to Steve McConnell in ‘Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction’: “there are about 15 – 50 errors per 1000 lines of delivered code”. Before we look at the VBA Assert statement and creating assertions lets have a quick look at a startling fact about errors. Assertions are available in almost all programming languages. The VBA Assert statement allows us to create assertions in our code. Once you see how useful it is you will want to keep using it. If you adopt this technique then I guarantee you will see results almost immediately. Reading about the VBA Assert statement is not enough – you have to actually try it out for yourself. It will save you considerable time creating applications and it will make your application practically bulletproof. I have used this technique thousands of times on countless projects. When used correctly, the VBA assert statement will vastly reduce the number of errors in your VBA code.
The VBA Assert statement is a very powerful statement that simply evaluates a condition to be true or false.īut don’t let the simplicity fool you. This post provides a complete guide to the VBA Assert statement(i.e.
12 Using Assertions With Collections and Objects. #LYNDA EXCEL VBA TUTORIAL TORRENT HOW TO#
10 How to Turn VBA Debug.Assert On or Off.8 How to Use the VBA Debug.Assert Statement.7 Using VBA Debug.Assert to create an Assertion.4 Why Use the VBA Debug.Assert Statement?.2 A Startling Fact About Errors in Code.